Commerce Resources was featured by The Rare Earth Observer in their newsletter, click here for its full version.

The sample (55 g) follows the initial quantities of mixed REC sample produced by the Company, announced March 23rd, 2022. The Company is pleased to report the new sample has a neodymium (Nd) and praseodymium (Pr) distribution – i.e. % of Nd+Pr oxide of the total rare earth oxide (“REO”) – of 22.4%, which is significantly higher than the distribution reported by several major global producers, and that of the previous sample produced (21.6% NdPr). Additionally, the mixed REC sample, with a formula of REE2(CO3)3(H2O)8 as determined by XRD, contains 50.9% REO, <0.5 ppm Th, and <0.1 ppm U.
The mixed REC sample (Figure 1) was produced from the Ashram Rare Earth and Fluorspar Deposit using the conventional recovery flowsheet developed at Hazen Research, Inc. in Colorado, USA, which results in high grade monazite concentrate exceeding 40% REO.
Ashram has all the right features and Commerce do all the right things. The trouble is logistics:

North of Ashram is Ungava Bay, but there is no port. The bay and its beaches are hard to access due to ice much of the year. Ice is also being pressed into the bay from the Hudson Strait.
Going south ca. 250 km to Scheffersville, where there is theoretically railway transportation available (practically not, because of capacity constraints), a road would need to be built with ca. 80 bridges. Extending the railway up north would be a wonderful project, but realistically it may not happen during the first half of this century and it also would require countless bridges.

The nearest operational port for Ashram would be Vale’s Voisey’s Bay, ca. 300 km distance. A connecting road would also benefit Torngat Metals, a privately held junior rare earth miner holding on to the Strange Lake deposit, and possibly others.
The road would be no less challenging than the one described above, with the added difficulty of passing across the state line between Quebec and Newfoundland & Labrador, apparently as insurmountable a problem in Canada as trying to build a highway between Seoul and Pyongyang across the 38th Parallel on the Korean Peninsula.
Not to forget, First Nations would absolutely need to be asked and need to agree, plus a deal would need to be cut with Vale.
The location is so difficult, that junior RE miner Torngat Metals presented an idea of using airships for the 240 km transport from Strange Lake to Scheffersville for onward rail carriage. 100,000 t per year. By airship. Seriously, no joke.

These are by far not the only you-can’t-get-there-from-here deposits in Canada.
It is kind of funny, when on one hand Canada’s politicians are making grand international commitments for the supply of critical metals to the world, but on the other hand let their miners rot without logistics.
Canada’s rail network is squeezed in the south of the country and works best between east and west.
With global warming and the quest for minerals proceeding, Canada should really look at a swift multi-modular railway network extension northwards and view the feasibility based on expected tax and royalty income from miners in those regions.